About This Site

This site was created simply to provide you with free, high-quality vector illustrations available to download at your will. We also now feature a PREMIUM COLLECTION that offers exclusive vector illustrations and style you cannot find anywhere else, for very low prices! Each and every vector illustration you see on this website was either personally created by me, or by talented artists who have been kind enough to contribute to this growing library.
"What's with the heart logo, DUDE?" you may ask...
Well to be honest, I couldn't think of any other simple shape that could be more warm and inviting but could also be a challenge in itself to compose with the "Pen Tool" in a vector environment. So the heart was chosen. Hey. Just think of this site as your most favorite place to get FREE and INEXPENSIVE vectors!
In the meantime, please enjoy everything we have to offer here.
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Thanks for visiting,
- John