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Summertime Letter!

This is a summer-themed letterhead template, a perfect stationary design for a classroom, bulletin board, flyer, news, event, notice, party invitation, etc. Complete with area for header and area for body. Happy summer!

Artist: J. Romero
Date Added: 04-15-2013

Views: 5869
Downloads: 220

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(Illustrator EPS version 10 and higher)

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Summertime Letter! - This is a summer-themed letterhead template, a perfect stationary design for a classroom, bulletin board, flyer, news, event, notice, party invitation, etc.  Complete with area for header and area for body.  Happy summer! - stationary,letterhead,bulletin,notice,letter,flyer,invitation,invite,handout,template,summer,summertime,bbq,barbeque,party
Tags: stationary, letterhead, bulletin, notice, letter, flyer, invitation, invite, handout, template, summer, summertime, bbq, barbeque, party